My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Saturday 22 June 2024

Pulp Alley urban boards


 Finally I have gotten around to addressing my woefully inadequate urban/tarmac gaming surface. Good old Dave of Pulp Alley keeps talking about 18" x 18" tiles as a good gaming surface. Well, while he seems to be able to walk into a home store in the US and readily find these tiles it seems to be a bit more of a challenge here in Canada. Even if you can find them they are sold by the case which is not so economical to me. However I did find some tiles on Amazon and then figured out a way to make them double sided, sort of like what Dave does.

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Painting stuff; Vallejo Xpress & paint brushes plus a dollar store silicon 'painting well'


So, a few updates on the painting front, not so much any finished figures, although I have quite a fair number on the verge of completion, rather a talk about paint and equipment.


Friday 5 April 2024

Time cast terrain


So, a relatively recent purchase (last 3-4 months) that I thought I should get around to painting up. These are from TIME CAST and are a brown silicon/rubber material. They are very flexible, have a reasonable amount of detail and take paint well. They come in a variety of sizes and textures; rough terrain, marshes, fields and patty fields. These ones are technically scaled for 15mm/20mm figures and while I will use them for those scales they will also see service in a variety of other scales. I bought a four item mix pack of each type of terrain. So far I have completed all of them save for the marshes.

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Final few posts of AHPC 14


From post 14

From post 15

So, the challenge has come to an end. Once again I had fun participating in the challenge and I feel that I have had a much more successful winter painting time than I would have without the challenge. I certainly had a more laid back approach to the challenge and I did not get caught up in any self induced competition to get the most points, or to paint the most items. I did leverage the weekly posting schedule and the point target that I had selected to drive myself to paint stuff when I might just as easily have sloughed off doing any painting. In fact I found it interesting that near the end of the challenge I really thought to myself that I was done for the year and then with only a couple of days left I suddenly turned it around and managed to produce a 513 point entry, my largest post this year.

Post 14 HERE

Post 15 HERE

The good/bad thing about this years challenge for me was the slow start that I had and the fact that it took me so long to get into the groove fro producing stuff. The good thing about peaking so late is that the painting urge still remains even though the challenge is over. So far I have managed to pick up (and use) a paint brush every day since the start of spring! (with the exception of the weekend away at Hotlead) So the inspiration continues, I may even try to track my weekly or monthly output although right now I am working on some petty dull stuff, crates, always need cover.

Friday 8 March 2024

AHPC XIV posts 10-13


So I wound up doing multiple posts this past week as it seemed easier to split up things and create posts as I completed stuff.