My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Monday 31 January 2022

From the challenge

 Some more of the items done for the challenge.

Canadian armoured car in Russian service

Dystopian wars island or industrial complex in a valley

Dystopian wars islands and fortress

Sunday 30 January 2022

Well, I have officially beaten last years painting total, one month into the new year!!!


As of today I have painted 304 items in January, compared to 260 items all of last year!

To say the least I am quite pleased with this. The main factor has been the Analogue challenge, which has really inspired me to get as much stuff painted as quickly as I can. As always my stuff will never win any Golden Demon awards, but my items are functional, table top standard and most importantly, done!

Tuesday 25 January 2022

5th posting to the challenge is now up

HERE is the latest post to the challenge. This one was a grueling challenge, I did not start soon enough and I added stuff very late into the week, so by Tuesday I was really under the gun. A lot of the items had at least been started, and I really thought it would not be to difficult to finish off what needed to be done, but it was.

The princess guards have been hanging around for a few weeks seemingly always on the verge of being finished, yet they were really far from being done. The figures are really nice, very fine detail, very delicate, but that makes them a challenge to paint in my clumsy hands. I was just not able to paint up the really fine details, but these figures would look great in the hands of a pro.

Anyways, they were starting to become an albatross, so, I had to finish them off. In the end I still could not decide what to do with the shields, I knew I wanted them to be blue, but beyond that I did not, and still do not know what to do with the design. I did try to work on the outer edge of the shield but I was not in the zone, and the result was a disaster. So all contrast blue it is.

The Sanwar have been around for a while, and I had even picked up some recently through the LAF bazaar. They are not good figures, a little too clunky, but they will work as allies to the Martian tripods, and or the evil Rouge Noir villain. I went with weird colours for the musket barrels, just to make them stand out a bit.

The naval unit, comes from Hinterland Miniatures and are sadly OOP. They too are delicate figures even smaller and more delicate than the Martian princess figures. No real issues here they were a pretty straightforward paint job, once I decided on the colours. 

I had some fun with the islands. Basically primed with a matt tan rattle can, then a few layers of gray paints dry brushed o in progressively lighter shades, followed by a sepia wash. I then gathered up a selection of fine flocks that I gently sprinkled over the islands (after applying some watered down white glue) trying my best to blend them in a semi random manner.

I might have kept these looking more mountainous, but scale wise they are really just hills, rocky hills, but hills.

I think I am going to take it a bit easier this week as trying to max out on points is not a good thing, nor is it necessary. I was only trying to max out my points to see what I could do in a week, apparently quite a lot!

Tuesday 18 January 2022

4 th post to Analogue painting challenge now up

Click HERE to go to the latest post. This has brought me well above my challenge goal, which is a bad thing. We are only 4 weeks in and I already have 1342 points towards a target of 1000. I have seriously misjudge how much I could get done. 

I am now imposing a new target of 3000 points. This may become a challenge as I am already feeling a little distracted and certainly not too keen to continue pretty much any of the genres that I have currently been working on. (well maybe the 33 sand people for Mars)




Tuesday 11 January 2022

Third post now up to the Analogous Challenge more VSF stuff

 Click HERE to get to my latest posting to the Analogue challenge. 

I seem to be unable/unwilling to produce a small amount of figures/stuff each week, which is a good thing. I have effectively set up an assembly line, while I am working on the finishing the current weeks crop of stuff, I am also starting projects for future weeks. It means that I get to have the fun of starting new items, with broad strokes, while at the same time I can also work on the final details of the current project.

Tuesday 4 January 2022

2nd post to the Analogue Painting Challenge

Click here for my most recent post to the Analogue painting challenge.

Click on the link to the right to see my stuff and the other contributes.

I am waiting for a few weeks before I start publishing any of my challenge stuff here out of respect for the request by the organizer of the challenge. However I am keeping a running total of what I have painted this year on the right hand column. 

In the mean time the challenge has inspired me to work on some items that do not qualify for the challenge, film at 11..