My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Mat number 2

Well, I still had a clear table, and one more mat that I could work on, so I tackled the green mat this morning. Again this was a throw blanket, but less like fur than the first mat. It was a more wispy, satin finished olive green coloured material. Unlike the first mat, this one really did not accept a brush or comb, as both would wind up getting tangled up in the material. While I toyed around with making paths and open areas, in the end I have decided to just make a simple mat, that I would add paths or roads using add on pieces. Once I have added extra scatter scenery, the areas without scatter terrain would become the open areas.

That all decided, the actual creation of this mat was all to easy. Again I raided my left over rattle cans for any green shades, settling on Army painter green skin as the base colour.

The technique (such as it was)  

  1. With the mat laid out flat on the table I started spraying the mat with the greenskin paint
  2. Then, deciding I prefer to breathe, I took the mat out to the garage, and really went to town, emptying what was left in the can of paint.
  3. Then back into the house to find any other cans of green paint and my Vallejo yellow.
  4. So I used a camo olive green, Testors medium green, the yellow and the green skin paint. At this stage I just sort of 'went with it' randomly spraying the different colours of random areas to try and disrupt the 'perfect' green look.
  5. Once done I spread it out ready to work on any gaps, only to find that it seems to have worked out pretty well.
  6. The advantage of the mat that I used is that below the green paint one can see a bit of 'dead' underbrush. Also I kind of like the way bits of the grass stand up
 That is it for now, I may yet revisit this mat if I decide that it really does need open areas.

The blanket as purchased, looks more green in person

Close up showing the tangled mass, nice mix of shades

The spraying has begun!

Might have stopped here for patchy grass, but did not.

Definitely a darker shade

You can see the tufts rising up from the mat, and the undergrowth

Not pure green, the mixture of greens and yellow shows up a bit

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