My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Wednesday 29 December 2021

First post up on the Analogous Painting Challenge!

 Here is the link to my first post over on the Analogous page

Well I managed to post something after 1 week of the challenge! My posting day is Tuesday, so every week I will be striving to get something done and posted. Finding something to paint is not the problem, staying focused on it so that I have it done in a week is. Already I have 1/2 dozen 'started' items for this challenge, and some so close to done that it is a shame I have not finished them off.

This past Tuesday I posted up pics of my Vickers Independent, 10 Martian cavalry and two soviet provocateurs. I have 6 crew for my armoured cars to before I can post those up, I have 30 Canal Martian cavalry and 10 Colonial Martian cavalry waiting in the wings, that just might get done by Tuesday. But then again they might not as I was suddenly inspired to pull out 9 armoured British VSF figures and promptly started to work on those. (after blowing off the accumulated dust of 20 years on the shelf) 

So finding stuff to work on not an issue, finishing a big issue!

Tuesday 21 December 2021

The painting challenge has begun!!

 So, I have asked, and been accepted into, the 12th annual Analogue Painting Challenge!

I do hope that it will encourage and inspire me to continue my painting of the wide assortment of stuff that sits in my pipeline. Typically of me, I was just getting back into painting when the challenge was announced, and now that the challenge has started I find myself distracted by RPG's!

I also miscalculated the voluntary target that I set for the challenge. I mean, I am really not certain where I got the idea that mounted 28mm figures would be worth 25 points. They are worth 10 points. However, I have so many mounted figures that I could easily get to my 1000 point target if I just got to work on these figures. But it is not really about the points, it is not a competition, it hopefully is an event that will see me with a lot of painted figures by the end of it.

Right now I have laid out all the primed figures that I hope, or expect to paint. But, I know myself, I fully expect that I will suddenly decide to tackle something way out in left field, some genre that is not currently in my sights. Again just getting stuff done will be a victory.

I have set up a link on the right that will take you to the challenge proper, and where I will be posting up pictures on a weekly basis. Those completed items will eventually show up here as will items that I finish off that are not part of the challenge. The challenge, by way of explanation, involves figures that are at most primed at the start of the challenge. So all the various figures that I have that are partially painted do not count towards the challenge. Any that I do finish will just be bonus figures.

The challenge runs from December 21 2021 to March 21 2022, what better way to spend the winter months?