My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Monday 24 February 2020

Making two boats out of, well one boat of a larger scale

Making these:


Out of this:


This is what I found in a dollar store:

It easily comes apart, like so, creating what looks to me like two boats.

After some snipping and the application of milliput I have these.

Primed dark brown, and dry brushed in lighter brown, tan shades.

After an ink wash they looked like this.

May still do a bit of dry brushing but they should work well enough like this.
Not certain what I have created, the plan was dug outs, which they can be, but the top one looks like an Umiak. which might help in a north scenario. I could also add an outrigger, to either of these.

I have kept the paddles that came with the toy as they might make oars for some galley project in the future. 

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