My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Thursday 18 March 2021

Bones ruins finished


Inspired by Goodrich Castle, and some of the castles in Scotland, I decided to deviate away from my traditional grey stone paint job and opted for reddish/pink. I still do not think I managed to get the right shade to match the originals, but I do like the end result.




Wednesday 3 March 2021

KIKO, son of Kong


 Last item in February to get finished off is Kiko, using the Crooked Dice gorilla. I seem to have gone ape crazy lately, and have been monkeying around with my many simian figures, most notably the larger gorilla figure of an earlier post. Since most of my gorillas are likely to be painted in a more typical colour scheme I thought I would do this one up as an albino ape, just like Kong's son was in the movie.