My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Next fur mat project

A quick post today, showing what the blanket looks like fresh from the store before any spraying has started. This one is different than the first two I have used, as it is fuzzier (as seen in the second picture) The first was pretty dense, the second had an odd texture similar to this one, but less fuzzy.
At any rate I look forward to seeing how this one turns out.

Tuesday 21 May 2019

Found some new stuff at my local convention

So this years Cangames in Ottawa (the 43rd annual convention) found me once again parting with lots of money. While cued up for the bring and buy I spotted this Linka set at a private sale booth. I thought for certain that someone else would grab it but they did not! Never used this before, but I figure for $10.00 I could not go far wrong. The set has never been used, it contains the plaster, the mixing bowls and 4 molds, everything one needs!

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Mat number 2

Well, I still had a clear table, and one more mat that I could work on, so I tackled the green mat this morning. Again this was a throw blanket, but less like fur than the first mat. It was a more wispy, satin finished olive green coloured material. Unlike the first mat, this one really did not accept a brush or comb, as both would wind up getting tangled up in the material. While I toyed around with making paths and open areas, in the end I have decided to just make a simple mat, that I would add paths or roads using add on pieces. Once I have added extra scatter scenery, the areas without scatter terrain would become the open areas.

Friday 10 May 2019

Project completed ??? (Part 2 of fur mat build)

So, the mat is done?!?
I changed the game plan part way in, and it shifted this project into overdrive.

I finally start on my first 'fur' mat

A while back I bought this throw from Dollarama with plans of making a mat for the Congo game. It is roughly 4' x 5' and unlike most teddy bear fur it is stitched along the sides, so should hold together well. It is not true teddy bear fur, so it is much shorter than what seems to be typically used for this type of project. However, unlike teddy bear fur this does not seem to shed. A step by step guide cn be found closer to the end of this posting. Please note I am in the middle of this project so no shots of the finished mat, but certainly some showing the progress made so far.