My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Tuesday 31 August 2021

Some Orcs and a few more Empire troops


 So, 52 more figures moved from the to do pile into the tabletop ready status. This brings the total for August to 112, which is very good for me, and when you consider I only started up painting again mid to late month! I am basically pleased with having completed these, they are not spectacular paint jobs, but they certainly are good enough to put on a gaming table. The Orcs came out better the the humans and I believe that is due to the fact that I used contrast paints on the humans, but painted the Orcs in a more traditional way. 

Friday 27 August 2021

Two more Empire units done!


 So, two more units done in a reasonably short time (at least for me) The Flagellants were done a few days ago, and within a day the unit of pike men were done. For the pike men I really tried to do a speed paint process, started in the afternoon just after flocking the Flagellants, and all painting done by 2pm the next day. For the most part I went with GW contrast paints on the pike men while the other unit was a mix of traditional paints and some contrast.

Sunday 22 August 2021

First War Hammer Empire troops that I have ever painted! Only took a few decades...


 Now to be fair to myself, I have only had these figures for, at most 3-4  years having picked them up at a bring and buy. But all the other hundreds of Empire (and proxie Empire) troops have been in my lead pile since at least 6th edition War Hammer.