My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Wednesday 24 August 2022

Can't see the forest for the...



Finally getting around to working on some scenery. In this case I am trying to fix up some already built forests, while also building some new forest bases, and some forest 'outlines'. The Mod Podge actually is not being used for this, it just happens to be on the table. The old forests are on the left side, the trees on these are fixed in place, but I plan to pry them off and place magnets where they used to be. This should allow me to better store these bits of terrain as the tress can be stored separately from the bases (that can be stacked for easy storage.

On the far right you can see the forest outlines that I am working on, these can be used with individually mounted trees. The idea is that when troops enter the woods one can remove the trees but keep the outline on the table to delineate the footprint of the woods.

None of this is all that innovative but it is a project that is long overdue to be done, just like the corn fields that have sat in storage for a few years.