My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Wednesday 23 November 2022

The Analogue Paintng Challenge XIII

I am in again for another year!

I can hardly wait for it to begin as apparently, it is the only way that I can move through my mountain of stuff. I have set a low bar, in comparison to last years results, of 6000+ points as, this year, I hope to get 3000+ points. While I have an aspirational goal in mind of 4000 points I do not hold out much hope of  achieving that target. 

Several obstacles threaten to derail my painting this year.

First off, this year finds me mired in apathy and quite frankly a little down regarding the hobby. I am also fairly directionless as to what projects to work on (typical). The painting table is surrounded by WW2 20mm British and American vehicles. They all sit there with highlights applied, but no signs of ever being completed. They have too much paint on them to qualify for the challenge so could be an impediment if I do not clear them off, or if I should become inspired to work on them during the challenge. I also have a fair amount of 28mm pulp figures loitering nearby, again in various states beyond merely primed.

Next we are no longer in lock down, which means that social interaction may well intrude on my painting time. Last year I embraced the isolation, it granted me plenty of time to get stuck in to the hobby. This year online RPG and in person miniature gaming are likely to disrupt my efforts.

Vacation! For some inexplicable reason, I am going on a 1 week vacation at the end of February. This will certainly derail my production schedule.