My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Thursday 29 February 2024

AHPC XIV posts 8 and 9

So more 15mm Sci-fi vehicles, some that should have been in a previous post, and some newly painted Fast wheeled vehicles.

First up are the troop transport vehicles that had a wee trouble with being primed.

 These are a new grouping of vehicles, 22 in all.

Post 8 is HERE while post 9 can be found HERE

With these entries I am now at 1466 points for the challenge on a target of 2000 points. 

Monday 26 February 2024

AHPC XIV - this weeks possible postings...

So, I am looking at going a little crazy this week and see if I can get a lot of stuff done in one week and to see how many points and squirrels I can get. With so much planned it behooves me to jot down some of my ideas.

The path

  1. History
  2. Fantasy
  3. Romance
  4. Statue
  5. DIY
  6. Literature.
  7. Travel
  8. Manga?
  9. Sci fi
  10. CART
  11. True Crime

Monday 19 February 2024

AHPC XIV Posts 6 and 7 Rats and 15mm Sci-fi


 So, I did two posts to the challenge this past week, my usual (at least the usual this challenge) 15mm sci fi vehicles and some 28mm Pulp stuff. I only got 13 vehicles done this week (see the link to find out why) As for the 28mm stuff, well the rats have needed to be done for quite some time, as had the scarabs, still have more scarabs to do. The robot got done only because sudden inspiration grabbed hold of me and allowed me to finish off a figure that has been languishing for a year or two in my to be done pile.

Rats can be found HERE while the vehicle post is HERE

Friday 16 February 2024

AHPC XIV - post #5 15mm hover vehicles for the NSL [233 points]


Another assortment of 15mm sci-fi vehicles. These 31 vehicles are destined for the New Swabian League. Once again you can see the full painting challenge post HERE

I am at a loss to understand why I have been so 'focused' on my 15mm collection. They have sat primed on a shell for quite a few years and there is no likelihood that they will be used in a game any time soon. I have even purchased more just before Christmas, so I guess it is a good thing that I am working on them.

Sunday 4 February 2024

AHPC XIV - post #4 15mm Armour for the Hanuman 'alien' natives


So, another week another post to the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge. This time it is the armour units that will be confronting the Fifth Foreign Legion troops. They are lower tech than the Legion but will be fielding more vehicles in any given scenario. So far I have painted up all 28 vehicles that I have. In a game I would recycle these vehicles and not recycle the Legion vehicles just to give the Legion a real challenge.

These were primed black and base coated with a craft paint called candy bar, a dark brown/red colour. Then layers of lighter red including Vallejo German red brown primer. The penultimate colour was a craft paprika colour and the final  highlight was a yellow/orange craft Raw Sienna. I also applied a wash of GW Reikland flesh wash.

Anyways HERE is the link to the post over on the AHPC site.

Thursday 1 February 2024

My new favorite product


So, under the gun with limited time to waste on making my own stuff, I went out and bought this stuff today. Great purchase, a fine balance between thick and liquid, it is easy to apply and turns out great. I used it to mud up some Sci-fi tanks treads and to add some slash dirt on the front, back and sides of the vehicles. I have used Vallejo before but not always happy with the colour or texture. This stuff does the trick!

I will be giving it a real test when I apply it to some 15mm troop bases next week. I also picked up some AK cracked earth to try an add a different look to some of the bases, we shall see next week.