My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Wednesday 4 November 2020

WIP Sky Pirates


 So, I am cobbling together a selection of left over parts, "found items" and one over scale racing plane. I am hoping that I can tie this stuff all together into a behemoth of  plane. It is something I have thought about for a while, but suddenly became inspired this week.

Monday 21 September 2020

Island/rocky promontory update

First off, I decided to sand down the top of the hill a vain attempt to level it.

 So, first attempt to get back into miniature gaming...actually, first successful attempt.

I tried to put some paint on some nice Hinterland figures, but it was not happening, no mojo! So, it looks like I will have to work on this scenery item, and some towers that I have been working on.

Saturday 5 September 2020

Island and or rocky promontory with fortifications WIP

Another value village find, this started life as a Lemax ski hill display base for their Christmas villages. Not certain what they cost new, but at value village it was maybe $3-$4.00.

Thursday 3 September 2020

Hoping to ship out in september


So, the plan as it stands, is to produce a lot of ships this month. I have a number of hulls ready to be built upon. The example above will be a steam driven attack craft. It is one of a number of speed boats that I am converting. 

Saturday 29 August 2020

VSF landships completed


All painted up, just deciding on adding or not adding the extra electrical device.

Friday 28 August 2020

WIP two Landships for VSF


Mock up of planned landships

So, finally making headway on this project. The shells and most of the add on stuff have been sitting around for a while. This week I was suddenly seized by inspiration figuring out how I would attach the turrets to the main body, and how to structure the model so that the turret would turn. 

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Martians in service to the French, and General Sternwood

General Sternwood, the mysterious and seemingly immortal leader of the Extraplanatary Corporation seems to welcome you with open arms, do not be fooled. As head of the corporation he ruthlessly seeks to extend his control of alien technology, to create a monopoly in that sphere, and thus to control the solar system! 

The Martian colonial troops are not his, they serve the French government on Mars, and are part of the French tradition of recruiting local natives into their ranks.

Wednesday 19 August 2020

Captured technology, smoke dischargers


 Old Parroom Station miniature, and the only one I have. It came with three smoke stalker crew and the carriage is the same carriage that Parroom Station used for all of it's heavy weapons.

Friday 14 August 2020

So, some new paint jobs




Finally painted these old Parroom Station miniatures, from top to bottom,  "Tatsuhiro" armoured walkers, Japanese Smoke Stalkers and some rotund robots that I shall use as sentry bots.

Thursday 30 July 2020

Some WIP shots, many almost done...

Round 100+(?) for me trying to tackle my pulp lead pile.

Far too many painting projects on the go, police, Japanese landing parties, zeppelin troops, and gangsters. The result is, not many finished in July, but hopefully 100+ done in August. Some figures are done, but for the basing. Some of the figures are touch ups, including a reporter from an old Grenadier set dating from the 80's!

Tuesday 7 July 2020

Audrey 2, 3, 4, 5, .......

The anti vegetarians strike back!

Another fun project, lots of layers, multiple colours, built up to a nice bright appearance.

Tuesday 30 June 2020

Made it to my self imposed target, and then some

Managed to finish 30 figures today, bringing my total to 105, just over my goal.
Some (2) were finish off jobs started many months ago, but the remaining figures were all from this week, 19 were started and finished today.

Up first is the Immortal Battalion, resurrected soldiers controlled by The Mad Doctor

Followed up by Radon Zombies!!!!

Monday 29 June 2020

Back to Barsoom (Mars)

Inspired by the white apes that I painted the other day, I tackled some Green Martian warriors.

Sunday 28 June 2020

Another day, another paint job done

This time more Crocodile games figures. One giant Windigo, a summoner, and six minions.

I like these better than the Martian white apes. I went with a blue undercoat, and worked up from there. The apes had been a grey undercoat.

Saturday 27 June 2020

Martian white apes kind of sorta done

For all the layers that are on these, there is still not enough contrast, but there will be soon...

That's better, I think.

Friday 26 June 2020

New Pulp Alley gang

They may not be quick, but they carry big sticks...?
So only 5 figures done today, I was distracted a bit, but rain tomorrow, and many more figures getting closer to be done.

Thursday 25 June 2020

Van Meer and his 'Oranje minions"

Another day, another group of figures. This time repurposed Warlord Games Ghost Warriors being used as minions for the conflicted Dr Van Meer. There are 15 in all, so three squads for Pulp Alley gangs, to assist the 'peace' loving Dr Van Meer.

They came out a lot more orange than I had envisioned, but in the end I like them. When not in service to Van Meer, they could also be used as VSF Ethernauts, or fancy deep sea divers.

Wednesday 24 June 2020

So, the ghouls, were the next figures to be completed!

These were fun figures to paint, lots of detail on them. I tried a number of things this time around, spent some extra time on the teeth, built up the colours on the body (using the Vallejo Malefic paint set), and used extra stuff on the bases. Ten figures in all, added to the tally for this month! Total is now 34 which is not bad since I only just got back into painting last week. What next, stay tuned...

Tuesday 23 June 2020

By your command

So it worked out that they were the next project to be done!
These were fun to paint, again using P3 paints base and highlight Khador red.
I am convinced these robots are from Old Glory, but I could not find them on their online catalog.

Sunday 21 June 2020

Next project, sort of

Can never have enough robot minions! So why 'next project sort of'? Well there are many things on my table right now, some there just for touch ups, others need to be finished (having been in a state of near completion for a long time) and primed but not started figures.

Saturday 20 June 2020

Eureka Anubis figures painted (updated paint colours listed for bases)

First output in a very long time.
Nineteen figures in all, 5 archers, 5 one handed/shield, 6 with two handed weapons, leader, musician and standard bearer.

Friday 28 February 2020

Some of this weeks output (minor update March 16)

So, not as prolific as other weeks, but still a fair amount of stuff got finished, and a goodly amount have some paint on them. I am most happy about the crypt entrance pictured above. It has been in my collection, for at least a decade, if not two decades. It was in  a bits box for the longest of times, before finally getting based, and ultimately primed.Then it just sat around in that condition for years.
No reason for this, just kept putting it off. However this new paint surge is mostly about tackling any long standing 'to be done jobs' No doubt I will find other items that need to be dealt with, hopefully nothing quite as bad as this simple bit of scatter terrain .

Saturday 22 February 2020

Painted items since February 14th up to February 21st (part 2)

Apparently cannot count, there are 8 of these not the 7 I listed.

Updated these, glossed the eyes, & blued the generator on the heavy weapon figure

Thursday 20 February 2020

Painted items done since January 1st to February 14th

So, it has been a good start to the year. Last year it seemed that I could not make myself paint anything. This year I got the bug, with a sudden desire to tackle all of my All Quiet on the Martian Front.

However, now that bug has mutated into a desire to paint anything that comes to hand! Right now I am going after some figures that have been languishing on my painting desk for years. I also am attempting to take care of all of the plot points markers, and small scatter scenery that needs to be simply finished off and to not stay unpainted and unused. This is a starter, more to come...

                                                                        25 Tanks
                                                                        66 Civilians
                                                                        48 Regular infantry
                                                                        24 Heavy infantry
                                                                        27 Machine gunners 
                                                                        12 Roughriders
                                                                          6 Traps

                                                                       14 Tripods
                                                                       21 Drones
                                                                       30 Rage victims

                                                                             1 Farm complex

Thursday 13 February 2020

AQMF Civilians, just the thing for a hungry Martian invader

As mentioned somewhere, I finished painting these yesterday, everything except the wash. Well that and the decorating of the bases was done today, and here they are. There are 10 small two person bases, and 15 large 3 bases. I think they came out okay, some very good some not so good. The best thing about 18mm is that they are hard to see, well for my eyes and the eyes of most of my fellow players!

Wednesday 12 February 2020

AQMF - Gatherer Tripod proxies

A face only a (do they have mothers) could love?

After sitting on a shelf for years, I finally found a reason/need to paint up three Parroom Station tripods. I have been prepping for another game of AQMF, specifically the harvest scenario, and realized that I need at least one gatherer tripod. Thankfully I had three mostly built and primed 28mm tripods but they had no baskets to keep their prisoners. Now what can I use to represent a basket...?

Tuesday 11 February 2020

All Quiet on the Martian Front - Ragers

Didn't you kill my brother? I know you did...

So with the weekend deadline (pardon the pun) looming, what should I finish painting first but some zombie/rager type figures, that are not required for this Saturday...

Saturday 8 February 2020

All Quiet on the Martian Front - civilians and more drones

Next on the painting table, and hopefully finished this week in time for Saturday, are some human figures and some more drones.  I have 25 civilians stands and 10 Rager stands all primed and 'muddied
up'.  Most are in groups of three, the few two figure stands represent humans in less stressful moments.

As for the drones I have three more scorpions, three more shock drones and 6 more regular drones.
This will bring my total to 21 drones. These too will be required for this Saturday, if we are to play the harvest scenario.

Thursday 23 January 2020

Latest 'completed' figures

Work  continues on my AQMF stuff. First up are 9 drones, 3 sets of 3 different drones. I figured I would colour code them to make it easier to identify for casual players, and coloured because silver gets old fast. Also pictured are a set of 6 traps.

Next up are some armoured infantry, 1 unit, and two units of rough riders.