My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Monday 21 September 2020

Island/rocky promontory update

First off, I decided to sand down the top of the hill a vain attempt to level it.

 So, first attempt to get back into miniature gaming...actually, first successful attempt.

I tried to put some paint on some nice Hinterland figures, but it was not happening, no mojo! So, it looks like I will have to work on this scenery item, and some towers that I have been working on.

Once I got it smooth, and more or less level, it was time to add some texture back on to it.

First layer of my basing material. The top is roughly 12" x 9"

I plan to add steps leading down to the water.

I decided to add some sticks to act as steps. But then I realized that I could build a path along the left hand side of the hill, basically where you see the brown path. But the slope is just too intense, so I started to think about building some kind of supported path.

The stakes I used have been sitting around my room for decades, I just knew I would need them for something! The stakes have wires attached to them, I kept them attached, on the off chance they might come in handy. The stakes were easily pushed into the foam cliff side. I had the wooden slats for maybe 3 decades from the defunct white rose craft store. My plan was to use them like slats on a fence. However, on a whim, I decided to thread them through the stakes like a wattle fence.

 The stakes are 1" apart. Threading the slats was easy and hard. One direction was easier to thread than the other. Some of the slat did snap, but it was not a deal breaker. The real question, does it work? Should it be a wattle wall, or would a more traditional retaining wall or fence be better?

Time will tell, as I shall ponder this question.

1 comment:

  1. I like the fence, yet it makes the path look almost too "safe". However, such "safety" should help to prevent figures from falling over the edge!
