My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Saturday 17 December 2022

AHPC XIII Alphabet challenge

 To be filled in as the challenge progresses.

So, a few ideas, some carried over from last year, some new ideas. X is a tough one but thankfully I have more aliens to paint this year. I did not paint zombies last year so that's okay, but A, B, D, R, T and U are repeats, I would prefer to be original, but then I also would prefer to complete this task.


  1. 江北武士浪人18 December 2022 at 12:25

    C: Covenanters, Cuirassiers ...

    E: Earl of Essex

    F: Firelocks

    G: (Saker) Guns

    H: Highland Clansmen

    I: (Montrose) Irish


    K: The King's Lifeguard Regiment of Foot

    L: (Scottish) Lancers

    M: Marquis of Montrose

    N: Newcastle's Regiment of Foot

    O: Oliver Cromwell

    P: Pikemen, Prince Rupert, Priest

    Q: The Queen's Lifeguard of Foot

    S: Shot; Saker guns

    V: Sir Charles Vavasour’s Regiment of Foot

    W: Sir William Waller’s Regiment of Foot

    Y: The Duke of York’s Regiment of Horse

    Some from memory, many thanks to:

  2. 江北武士浪人18 December 2022 at 12:26

    P.S.: Those would work under an ECW theme for Historical drama

  3. 江北武士浪人18 December 2022 at 16:28

    J: Colonel Samuel Jones’ Regiment of Foot

  4. 江北武士浪人18 December 2022 at 16:56

    And they could probably cover some of the other letters, too, for example:

    1. Thank you for all the help, keep it up I need all that I can get! I am feeling under the weather right now hope to fight it off by kick off time.
