My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Wednesday 28 December 2022

AHPC XIII update

So, no second post yet, but good progress on overloading my table with many, many projects! Part of my strategy is to always have a lot on the go, in part so that I am not waiting for things to dry, also it keeps me from getting board with one topic. 

So 'on my table' right now are:

  • 1 unit of 20 Empire pike [100]
  • 1 unit of 20 Empire halberds [100]
  • 1 large 28mm Indiana Jones tank [20]
  • 1 unit of 12 FPW French cuirassiers [120]
  • 1 unit of 12 FPW Prussian lancers [120]
  • 1 unit of 12 ECW cuirassiers [120]
  • 12 or so assorted pulp figures [60]
  • 1 group of 4 film crew [20]
  • 1 TV camera operator [10]
  • 10 'Greek' skeletons [50]
  • 2 large VSF robots  [20]
  • 1 really large pulp robot [?]

So potential of about 720 points 

Squirrels 8

Cod piece challenge 40 figures

On the back burner:

  • 12 mounted Norman knights [120]
  • 20 gladiators [100]
  • 20 skeletons [100]
  • 30 Argonauts [150]
  • 3 ladies pushing carriages [15]
  • 1 guy with wheelbarrow [5]
  • 1 large palanquin [50]
  • 1 small palanquin [15]
  • 2 more 20 man empire foot units [200]

So another possible 755 points


  1. 江北武士浪人29 December 2022 at 16:42

    I'm looking forward to seeing what they're going to look like. 'Greek' skeletons - did you go to Out of the Box, after all?

    1. Nope. 10 Foundry skeletons plus 20 Wargames Atlantic. I saw an unfavorable review of those skeletons, too many parts to build a skeleton.
