My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Sunday 18 July 2021

Some big baddies finished off


 Four Crooked Dice miniatures and one from Crocodile Games. Big blue and the Pharaoh have been sitting around almost completed for a few years, it was high time that I finished them off. However the three Argonauts had only been primed, so maybe not as bad?  

There are maybe five different blues on this guy, counting dry brushing. It had been left with a fairly dull but highlighted blue shade, that cried out to be upgraded, the end result is very bright and works well.

These guys were fairly straight forward, black undercoat, dry brush/over brush of P3 Deathless Metal, then dry brush of GW Balthasar Gold, and finally AV Model colour 70801 Brass for the 'flesh'. These are slated for Pulp Spy-fi and super heroes (hence the urban basing) but could easily find a home in any Pulp Alley setting. 

No idea what paints I used as he was mostly painted some time ago. A few touch ups and better basing is what was done this week.

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