My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Thursday 22 July 2021

The inevitable overthrow of humanity has begun...

 Finally finished of the ten tin cans on the left, and the last four Pulp Figures robots on the right, the hover bots were just an after thought.

Monday 19 July 2021

Reaper Bones Egyptian big bad done


This is one of those white rubbery type figures by Reaper, I am not certain that I like them. Now, I understand that I am not to spry prime them as they come out tacky, so I just washed this one and started painting. Well, that did not go so well. So then I hauled out some black Vallejo paint on primer, that did the job, paint stayed on! But there was still a tacky quality to them, and even though I have finished the figure and varnished it, I still don not trust them, and yes it became tacky after the varnish. Another coat of varnish did the trick and the figure is as done as it can be.

Sunday 18 July 2021

Some big baddies finished off


 Four Crooked Dice miniatures and one from Crocodile Games. Big blue and the Pharaoh have been sitting around almost completed for a few years, it was high time that I finished them off. However the three Argonauts had only been primed, so maybe not as bad?  

Thursday 15 July 2021

Some Russian buildings


Prep work for my entry into WWII eastern front. These are by Pegasus and are a little bigger than I wanted, but will work.

Tuesday 13 July 2021

Finally finished off two Old Glory resin buildings


 These two have been sitting around for a few years, just waiting to be painted. I bought these after our big Vice Alley Pulp Alley campaign. They are solid and heavy and crooked, everything I come to expect from Old Glory resin models. Both have removable roofs, and both have some really nice detail work. However both also have roof issues, specifically, the roofs do not easily match up. 

Sunday 11 July 2021

Spray varnish issue!

So, after finally picking up a paint brush again, I decided to work on these fine VSF naval troops. Once finished with the painting it was on to the Army Painter anti shine spray varnish, just as I do with everything that I paint. This is the result of my matt varnish spraying! I have never had this problem before, sure sometimes it does not seem to get as dull as I would like, but never has it amped up the shine like this. Now the usual issues that are talked about on the net do not seem to apply. I sprayed indoors, in low humidity, and did not overdo how much I sprayed. The can was well shaken, and relatively new and yet this was the result. I waited a while and tried some more even lighter passes with the anti shine thinking perhaps I had lingered too long the first time. No joy!

Friday 9 July 2021

Build buildings update still a WIP


Pimping out the refinery model. The roof has had some plasticard added to simulate a metal roof, while I have used a Mantic kit to build a conveyor belt and water pipes inside. The water tank is a model railroad kit. The entrance floor has had some texture added to it to simulate dirt.

I also started to paint up a couple of Old Glory resin Chicago buildings. First up is a small warehouse, while waiting in the wings is a shop.