My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Saturday 5 September 2020

Island and or rocky promontory with fortifications WIP

Another value village find, this started life as a Lemax ski hill display base for their Christmas villages. Not certain what they cost new, but at value village it was maybe $3-$4.00.

 It looked like this:







Now, over a year later I have started to work on it. First off, I primed it grey, with the odd patch of brown.

That's it, so far, but it sits on my secondary table in amongst the fancy villa, and with ships crowded around it, so I have every reason to be inspired to work on this. 

The plan is to level off the top plateau, so that fortifications will fit better. I also want to properly flock it, and add some texture or some other addition to allow troops to scale the 'ski slope'. Finally either a base or at very least an extension to create a dock and/or beach.

Stay tuned

1 comment:

  1. Nice find! I see that the spray (?) primer would not seem to have melted the foam! It could also have some potential as a small island with a Japanese castle or temple on it. Have you considered modelling for more generic use?
