My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Sunday 22 August 2021

First War Hammer Empire troops that I have ever painted! Only took a few decades...


 Now to be fair to myself, I have only had these figures for, at most 3-4  years having picked them up at a bring and buy. But all the other hundreds of Empire (and proxie Empire) troops have been in my lead pile since at least 6th edition War Hammer.

While they are table ready, they do need some final touch ups. The banner is an old flag sold by GW that I have pasted onto the existing standard. I will need to make the blending of the paper flag to the lead banner more seamless. Also, as usual, the pictures always manage to reveal areas that need some touch up, but, for the most part, these little fixes can wait. The top of the banner also needs some work, I could not decide what colours to use, and in the end used two colours that are too similar.

I do like the basing, I am rather fond of bases that are not full of grass, but rather a mix of dirt, grass and rocks.


  1. Nice work! Which imnperial state do those colours represent?

    1. Thank you
      They are inspired by the Carroburg Greatswords, but I used more blue than the black/blue in the GW pictures that I have seen. None of my units will be entirely like any of the official GW examples (except by accident)as I plan to make use of whatever contrast paints I have in whatever combination looks best.
