My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Work starts on Infamy Infamy


First Roman troops start to roll off the assembly line. The first 16 troops are more or less done, just need bases finished and shields attached (maybe the odd extra detail) These are the first mass historical troops that I have done in ages, and the first ancients ever. I happily found a very short YouTube vid demonstrating a quick way to paint Romans, and well, it works. 

Basic idea starts with a spray of metal paint, then black wash over all the figure. Then 'detailed' work of the red, flesh, wood, leather and bronze followed up with flesh wash and GW earth wash. I changed the colours that were recommended in the video, but otherwise followed the style and attitude which resulted, to my eyes, with a decent figure that was done quickly, by a system that allows one to paint a lot of figures fairly quickly.

Cue montage:




  1. Which metallic colour did you use? Are they Warlord Games figures? Your first ancients?

    1. Vallejo gun metal (it is what Hobby house sells) The only ancients I ever owned were Airfix, and I never painted those. Closet thing to ancients were some Warhammer/GW viking figures.

    2. They are Warlord figures, cheapest I could buy!
