My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Wednesday 2 June 2021

Back to the hill/island


 Started to finally flock this terrain item. I am using a mixture of flock to try and create the right look. Started off dry brushing the crap out of it, only to cover most of the surface with flock and gravel. The gravel is a mix of a variety of model train ballast, and scenic dirt colours. The grass, so far, is a mix of two different shades, I may add more shades.

The Before version


I do like how the cliffs came out. A mix of greys followed with a Vallejo sepia wash.

So looking at the low part of this item, I have decided it needs something more, so...

beachfront time! That's 1/2" styrofoam that hopefully blend in with the contour of the base, and will be sanded down to represent a beach I may not attach the two so that I can have some flexibility, and for ease of storage.





  1. Very nice work! I used to have a Lemax ski hill - not sure whether I donated it to you (and it became this excellent terrain piece), dumped it at VV, or still have it somewhere?

    1. Thank you
      This one came from a Value Village, so maybe it did come from you...
