My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Monday, 27 January 2025

WIP courtesy of a recent Hobby Day


Some ghostly hounds

So, we had a Hobby Day this past weekend. Six of us got together in my basement to work on various projects, with very little overlap. I was not very focused but I feel I was fairly successful. I managed to make some progress on some barrow downs, some Dwarf leader figures for Fantastic Battles and even started painting some new Ninja warriors.

3D printed barrows

These are really nice models with great detail. I used a variety of browns for the mound using a stipple effect to give some more texture and a variety to the colour. The rocks were also done with many craft paints, working up from a grey primer to mudstone, dark grey, light grey and very light grey. I dry brushed the rocks for the most part, the mudstone was over brushed while the dark grey was just dabbed on. They still need a sepia wash over the rocks and, of course, flock for the mounds.  

 I also dug out some ninja figures  for no particular reason, and got a good start on them. Primed white, they had a light blue contrast paint over them leaving them almost baby blue. So an application of Drakenhof Nightshade brought them back in line.

The Nightshade wash seemed like a nice touch so I tried them on some Blink Dogs (the pics at the top of the page) I used a light dry brush over them to bring out some of the detail. Still toying around with them. 

Post Hobby Day I was inspired to work on some MDF kits. Up first was a Sarissa refinery that I plan to convert to an old abandoned lumber mill. Another nice easy to build kit, helped by the fact that I have already built the not ruined version some time ago. 

 The next kit is one from Blotz, a sky skiff for VSF gaming. Again a straight forward kit but will look quite nice once done.

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