My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Saturday 17 September 2022

Terminator Genisys 17 Resistance soldiers


So, I got these done in time for tomorrows first game of Terminator Genisys. (Hopefully this gets played) They are fairly dull looking figures but they are supposed to be in combat camouflage! The figure in front is Kyle Reese, it is metal, the rest are plastic miniatures. The plastic figures came with separate arms that snapped onto a one piece torso/head/legs. I tried to mix up the 'poses' but there is only so much you can do.

The figures were primed white (which is typically what I use) and contrast paints were used to lay down the base colours. Grey was used for most of the figures, but I wanted a non uniform look to the figures, something that would indicate that they did not have access to a steady supply of kit and had to settle for what they could find. So any dull green/grey/brown/yellow contrast paint was used. The chest and arm armour and the knee pads were painted with P3 Cryx base and the armour segments highlighted with P3 Cyrx highlight. The various bandanas are brighter, just to give a splash of colour, they were done with various shades of contrast paints. The weapons were painted with P3 Boiler black and washed with GW Nuln oil. The belts and holsters are P3 Traitor green, and the helmet visor is P3 Coal black. All figures received a wash of GW Sepia or Agrax earthshade (I had both out and do not actually remember which one I used)

The bases are done the same way as the terminator bases were done, but I must have used a wrong paint as they came out looking a little different from them, so I will go back over them, later. I also suddenly remembered that I had some dollar store small rocks, so I scattered them onto the bases. No doubt I will add some of this rubble to the terminators.

I still have some more to finish, and will hopefully not get distracted by some other project before I get them done.


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