My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Sunday 18 September 2022

WWII Germans painted for What a Tanker!


So we are eventually going to test out the rules for anti tank guns and man portable anti tank weapons, therefore I needed some German panzerfaust troops (I also need to crew my antitank guns).

For the panzerfaust teams I decided to paint up the Germans that came with Italeri anti tank weapons box set, The set is of debatable value, feel free to check out the review at plastic soldier review. The two poses are kind of odd, but I was in a hurry so I decided to just go for it. Well once I started painting them my disappoint in them grew. 

Note the standing figure, look at his left arm there is a lot of dead space from the front view and check out how long he left arm is in the side view. Also where does that weapon go, it seems to disappear into his torso.  As for the kneeling guy, what is he doing, where is he aiming? Must be quite a crest that the enemy is coming over! He too has quite the long left arm.

Also note the 'details' of the figures equipment. It is all pretty splotchy looking.

In the end despite all the challenges the figures came out ok. The agrax earth shade wash certainly went a log way towards saving these guys. Prior to the wash, with only base paints applied the figures looked pretty pathetic. Now they are passable and will work for WaT.

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