My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Tuesday, 13 September 2022

Terminator Genisys finally got some figures fully painted up!


So, 30 Terminators and 15 'crawlers' painted up and ready for action. The pictures do not capture the many layers of metal paints that went on these guys or the many grey paints used on the bases. 

The robots started off primed black then over brushed with 3P steel. Then extra dry brushing of chainmail and GW Dry Necron. Finally I used some Vallejo aluminum. The eyes were Mephiston red, followed by some Spiritstone red. The guns were painted with Vallejo gun metal with Spiritstone red for the energy.

The bases started with Vallejo black lava asphalt, then a heavy dry brush of a dark grey craft paint, followed by a couple of more dry brushing of lighter grey shades of craft paint. Finally the base was washed with Vallejo sepia dip/wash. The crawlers also had some rubble added to the bases and I will add skulls to some walking bases to represent command terminators. Oh yeah and all the standing  figures were glued onto washer bases to add some weight to them but for the crawlers I just attached them to MDF bases that I had kicking around.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! How might they be described in Pulp Alley? Would each be a league of its own?
