My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Wednesday 8 September 2021

GW Goblins on spiders done!


 Not really certain why I painted these up, or even why I bought them in the first place. The spiders resemble real spiders only in the fact that they have eight legs. That said sine there was nothing I could do about the sculpting I decided to go old school 4th/5th edition and paint them as gaudy as I could.

 I started off painting the spiders with contrast paints, no two painted with the same colour of course. They then had highlights added with more conventional paints, plus a little bit of dry brushing. I still think they are ugly models, but at least they are done and on the display shelf.

Then for the two with  carapace rather than fur I re-primed the back of them with a gloss black primer. To this I used the new Vallejo Colorshift paints. The idea is that once painted they will reflect different colours all dependent on how the light is shining on them. One spider was done with Gold yellow/burnt orange, the other with red/gold. As a first attempt at these paints I feel they came out nice. I failed to water the paints down (really should have read the instruction again) but despite how thin the coats were, and how at first I did not think it would cover the black, it really did!

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