My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Monday 13 September 2021



I picked up a third Shado two vehicle, this is not it. It was supposed to be because it looked even worse than this one does what with the shot out window and all, but somehow I grabbed this other one instead, oh well. I have never stripped, miniatures, before but felt like giving it a go this time around. So I disassembled the vehicle (2 Flathead screws was it) and dunked it in a plastic back of Simply Green.

Well after less than 24 hours (and some toothbrush action) it came out looking like this. I was careful with the wheels only brushing the Simply Green onto the metal avoiding the plastic wheels. I understand that it should not harm the plastic, but I did not want to take a chance. At some point I will sacrifice a plastic figure to see what happens to plastic.

Which is not that bed considering the almost total lack of effort on my part and the relatively short time in the green stuff. Buffed it out a bit with a Dremel and I think it is basically ready for a new paint job (not the original green!)

I will be sending away for a new windshield for this, and a new missile and landing strut for an interceptor that I will also repaint. 


  1. Interesting! Who makes separate windshields and so on for these? Would it also need tracks?

    1. Model supplies UK seems to have most of what I need to fix up this model, and all my other Dinky toys. Two of my mobiles do not have the roof top weapon system, but that is fine by me. I will be modeling these after the TV show, not the Dinky toy version.
