My take on this aspect of the table top gaming experience. Not an expert just one person trying to do what he can & trying to demonstrate that anyone can do it.

Sunday 7 February 2021

Games Workshop Imperial ruin


Not much to show for today's work, only this Imperil ruin. Somehow the photo has made it look even more red than it looks in person. The last picture in the set is closer to reality, as there are multiple shades of red incorporated into this model.

I tend to work on multiple items at any one time, in part because I do not like to wait for paint to dry before proceeding to the next colour. The thought is that it is better to apply some paint or basing material or whatever to another project than mess up something because I did not wait long enough for it to dry. So I do have 9 or so more almost completed and should have them done early this week.

  1. Primed rattle can grey
  2. Vallejo black wash
  3. Craft greys 2-3 shades
  4. Craft mud stone and slate paints to highlight some rubble
  5. Army painter skeleton bone for the skulls
  6. P3 Khador red base and Khador red highlight
  7. Vallejo sepia wash
  8. Clean up with the listed paints where required.
  9. Burnishing with Khador red base to bring out a little of the deeper red 

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